Great Gains

I love this quote from my devotional today: “There have been great gains already from my sickness. I live in the present. I am grateful for little things. I have more time — and use it — for prayer.”~~William Sangster, … Continue reading

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The View


This is the picture I used in my last post. I took this picture with my cell phone as was I being taken into to the rehab facility I stayed at after my accident last October. Don’t remember how I managed to take it since I only had the use of my right arm. I remember it meant so much for me to be able to take it that I asked the EMTs to stop for a moment so that I could. I was laying flat on my back looking up at the front facade of Banner Good Samaritan, the clouds were just peeking over the top of the building. Even though I was in pain from the bumpy ride in the ambulance, somehow this view begged to be taken. In the days that followed I remember thinking how appropriate the view was to my situation. I was in the perfect position to look up, and to remember my help comes from my Heavenly Father.

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The View From Here

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On October 24th, 2013 while at work I had a very nasty fall. About 10:00 that morning while I was turning to go back to my car for something I had forgotten I tripped and fell over a tiny speed … Continue reading

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Recently we spent the day in Oak Creek Canyon. While there I enjoyed spending some time sitting by the creek and listening to the beautiful music it was making. I thought of this quote that I love from Corrie ten Boom.  ~A brook would lose it’s song if God removed the rocks~  I imagined all the rocks, even the tiniest ones, being removed and how the creek would lose its beautiful sound. What a tragedy that would be.
We all have rocks, big and small, in our lives. Each one plays a part in the melody our lives are singing to the world. Do you ever think about that?  I know that I have. My biggest rock is Rheumatoid Arthritis; amazingly it has given me some of the most beautiful music ever. The darkest hours with RA have turned into sweet melodies that allow me to sing of my Heavenly Father’s love and care for me. It allows me to share this sweet melody with others who might not know it. That is only a small part of the music it gives to me. My life song sings so much more. What are your rocks? And how do they make your life’s song beautiful? What song do you sing because of those rocks?

Ponder this tonight friends. I mean, do yourself a favor and really give it some serious thought you will be glad you did. Rest well y’all.

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Every Day Is A Fresh New Start

I went out to dinner with a friend last night at a local restaurant and noticed this phrase on their drinking cups. It’s a marketing pitch for sure, but I love it! Think about it, everyday we get to start over. We get a FRESH START. Yesterday’s struggles and failures are in the past and we get a new beginning.   Every new day is a gift from God. It is a brand new day full of possibilities and opportunities just waiting for us to live out.   Even though we all have a different amount of days in this life, the fact remains that we have each been given this one day.  We would be wise to make the most of this day, and every day we are given. 


Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.~~

Lamentations 3:22-23

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